Snapshot review of Two World Bank COVID-19 Health support programs in Egypt Regarding Data Availability: 1) What is the information made available to civil society regarding the interventions planned in these 2 World Bank health support programs? 2) What are the implemented interventions? Regarding Stakeholder Engagement Plans/Mechanisms 1) What are stakeholder engagement mechanisms? 2) Are stakeholders meaningfully engaged in World Bank’s projects? 3) How does the World Bank ensure that the Egyptian Health Ministry engages with the stakeholders? 4) What steps does the World Bank usually take to ensure the engagement of the stakeholders in any project before approving it? Are the World Bank’ staff working on these two projects aware of those steps? To what extent did the staff apply those steps? How well are those steps documented? 5) What is the World Bank’s role in identifying stakeholders? 6) What stakeholders' engagement activities took place after The World Bank had approved the project? Regarding the Grievance Redress Mechanisms (GRM) A. GRM in project preparation: 1. Does the World Bank use GRMs in its projects in Egypt? 2. How does this happen in relation to the country’s GRMs? B. GRM in project implementation 1. Are GRMs used in practice? Why or why not? 2. Does the World Bank systematically review and evaluate the GRMs’ reports and evaluate its effectiveness? 2

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