Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3 1. INTRODUCTION  3 A. Background and Motivation 3 B. Methodology 4 2. ANALYSIS 6 A. Stakeholder Identification and Marginalized Groups 6 1. Execution of stakeholder identification 6 2. Definitions of the terms “vulnerability” and “disadvantaged or vulnerable groups” 6 B. Information Disclosure and Accessibility 1. Languages and formats for project information disclosure C. Consultations and Feedback mechanisms 7 7 10 1. Special accomodations for meaningful consultations 10 2. Clear timelines and personnel for consultations and feedback 11 D. Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) 12 1. Consultations about GRMs with representatives of marginalized groups 12 2. GRMs equipped to handle GBV/SEA/SH 14 1. Budgets for SEP Implementation 16 2. Commitments to revising SEPs  17 3. RECOMMENDATIONS 19 4. CONCLUSION 20 ANNEX 1: ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL FRAMEWORK (ESF) REQUIREMENTS PERTAINING TO STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT 21 ANNEX 2: QUESTIONNAIRE FOR ANALYSIS 28 ANNEX 3: COVID-19 PROJECTS INCLUDED IN ANALYSIS 30 ANNEX 4: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 35 ANNEX 5: ANALYSIS OF LIBERIA SEP 42 REFERENCES47 BANK INFORMATION CENTER | MAR 2021 2

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