BRIEFING | 29 NOVEMBER 2021 Uzbekistan’s Anti-Crisis Fund: Analysis of state procurement in 2020 For more information Nina Lesikhina Community support coordinator CEE Bankwatch Network Background O n 19 March 2020, the Uzbek Ministry of Finance established the Anti-Crisis Fund in accordance with the presidential decree 1 ‘On priority measures to mitigate the negative impact of the coronavirus pandemic and global crisis on sectors of the economy’. It aimed to ‘finance measures to combat the spread of coronavirus infection, to support entrepreneurship and ensure employment, to extend social assistance and ensure economic operation in the country’. The Fund mainly allocated dedicated loans from the international financial institutions, including the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF), and money from the state budget of Uzbekistan. Graph 1. Contributors to the Anti-Cisis Fund of Uzbekistan (by July 2020), mln USD Source: Ahor.Uz Asian Development Bank World Bank European Union 31% 42% EBRD International Monetary Fund 17% 7% 3% УКАЗ № УП-5969 ПРЕЗИДЕНТА РЕСПУБЛИКИ УЗБЕКИСТАН О ПЕРВООЧЕРЕДНЫХ МЕРАХ ПО СМЯГЧЕНИЮ НЕГАТИВНОГО ВОЗДЕЙСТВИЯ НА ОТРАСЛИ ЭКОНОМИКИ КОРОНАВИРУСНОЙ ПАНДЕМИИ И ГЛОБАЛЬНЫХ КРИЗИСНЫХ ЯВЛЕНИЙ, LexUZ, 19 March 2020. 1 Learn more:

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